
A hematology CPR Software and its associated database

Designed by hematologists, for hematologists

HemSys is a Multidisciplinary Consultation Meeting (MCM) software package designed for use by healthcare professionals in the field of haematology. Each partner centre can use the tool securely to manage patients treated in its establishment.
The HemSys tool consists of a Multidisciplinary Consultation Meeting (MCM) software package for haematology and an associated secure database.

The software is a tool used by hematologists to centralize necessary and pertinent medical information for each patient affected by hematologic disorders.

These key pieces of information are presented during Multidisciplinary Consultation Meetings, bringing together a team of physicians including hematologists, surgeons, radiotherapists, etc. Their mission is to determine the most suitable treatment plan for each patient. This step is a legal requirement to define the therapeutic project for cancer patients (article D. 6124-131 of the Public Health Code)

The associated database is secured to ensure the confidentiality of the data.

It allows, within the framework of current regulations, the reuse of certain data for conducting medical research with the aim of finding new therapeutic solutions. This is done in strict compliance with anonymity.

HemSys is a collaborative tool open to partnerships.

If you are:

  • A healthcare center: the tool can be deployed to benefit from a specialized Hematology MDT (Multidisciplinary Team) software.

To learn more about the HemSys MDT software

  • A participant in pharmaceutical research and development: the database can assist you in describing populations affected by hematologic disorders and their treatments, providing research data on hematologic disorders, etc. Feel free to test our research module!
  • Contact us: contact@calym.org

If your institution uses the HemSys software and database, you can contribute to research!
To learn more :

Discover the publications and works already completed at the bottom of the page.

Connected centers
Monthly MDT (Multidisciplinary Team) meeting records
Benign and malignant hematologic disorders
Academic Investment Center

HemSys: Research assistance toolIn hematology

HemSys has been designed to assist physicians in better managing patients with hematologic disorders within the framework of MDT meetings, to facilitate the coordination of these meetings, and to promote medical research.

  • Comprehensive (mandatory patient presentation in MDT*): HemSys, within the Breton scope, represents 95% of patients in the PMSI – See the publication
  • Representative of “real-life”: user-friendly, accessible to all, whether small or large centers, specialized or not, regardless of their typology (teaching hospitals, general hospitals, clinics).
  • Data completion: assistance in filling out information through specific structured forms.
  • Reliability of data:

    • MDT = decision-making tool
    • MDT = medicolegal value
    • Forms filled out by the physician themselves (no transcription errors).
  • Possibility of geographical network MDT meetings (local network including teaching hospital and surrounding areas) and disease-specific network MDT meetings (neuropathy, etc.)
  • “Treatments in both outpatient and hospital settings” versus PMSI (hospital-only treatments)
  • Real-time data availability versus PMSI (delayed data)
Objet Équipe Statut
Myélome & complications osseuses A. Meynier de Salinelles, O. Decaux thèse de science – en cours de publication
DLBCL & DHAP/DHAC/DHAOx E. Gyan en cours de publication
Lymphome & lupus JS. Allain thèse de science – en cours de publication
Myélite & maladie de Hodgkin K. Le Dû thèse de science – en cours de publication
Rechute Hodgkin traité par BV + Benda K. Bouabdallah en cours de publication
Agglutinines froides P. Daufresne, T. Lamy thèse de science
Impact du NGS dans la prise en charge de la LLC M. Ganard, C. Pastoret thèse de science
Description statistique des patients atteints de Lymphome de la Zone Marginale (MZL) dans HemSys G.Manson, C. Thieblemont)


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I contribute to research in hematology

The HemSys software allows clinicians to discuss the best therapeutic protocol for each patient during Multidisciplinary Consultation Meetings (MDT), involving hematologists and specialists such as biologists, nuclear medicine specialists, pathologists, etc.

  • To enhance your care: This system facilitates the handling of your case during meetings among doctors, improves communication with your attending physician, and thus promotes better follow-up.
  • To assist healthcare organizations: Subsequently, this data will be transmitted to health authorities to meet regulatory obligations of our institution and ensure coordination and optimization of patient care pathways by national bodies.
  • To support research: HemSys enables the realization of projects and medical research to discover new therapeutic solutions. And this is done in strict compliance with the confidentiality of your data: the data used by researchers do not in any way allow them to identify you. These studies have already led to various works and publications.

To learn more about MDT meetings, studies, and your rights => Patient Information Page.